Perinatology and High Risk Pregnancies Centre


Perinatology and High-Risk Pregnancies Centre

What we need to know about high-risk pregnancy

Know what to expect

 Pregnancy and Childbirth Science Center

“What is a high-risk pregnancy in Perinatology?

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you might have questions. Will you need special prenatal care? Will your baby be OK? Get the facts about promoting a healthy pregnancy.

High-risk pregnancy and perinatology medicine are scientific discipline that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases in uterus, and providing identification of high-risk pregnancies and problems. The goal of perinatology science is to identify risky conditions during pregnancy and to plan the follow-up pregnancy and the necessary treatment. Accordingly, the perinatology is important for the following reasons:

  • Improve the health of pregnant women and their infants.
  • Early diagnosis of fetus anomalies.
  • Testing chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Prevention of miscarriage and stillbirth.
  • Premature birth can be understood and prevented in advance.
  • Diagnosis of problems that may occur in multiple pregnancies.
  • It is also very important in the management of pregnancy follow-up.

What does high pregnancy risk mean?

The classification of risky pregnancy includes a very large group of patients.

The following is the classification of patients at risk of pregnancy:

The current risks for pregnant mothers are as follows:

  • Risks of the previous pregnancy.
  • Risks of the current pregnancy
  • Risks of the fetus.
  • Risks related to childbirth

Part of the current risks of a pregnant mother

  • Pregnancy under the age of 18.
  • Pregnancy over the age of 35.
  • Overweight or underweight during pregnancy.
  • Endogamy
  • Patients with major previous surgery
  • Pregnant mothers with heart, diabetes, blood pressure, epilepsy, thyroid or other diseases are included in the risky pregnancy category.

Part of the risks of the previous pregnancy

  • Woman with miscarriage and frequent pregnancy loss
  • Mothers before childbirth (less than 28 weeks)
  • Eclampsia
  • premature birth
  • Pregnant with an increase in weight (a big fetus)
  • The woman who lost a child in the last three months (an intra-uterine fetal death)
  • The woman with excessive bleeding at birth (Postpartum bleeding)
  • Mothers who suffered from uterine rupture.
  • The women who underwent to fibroids surgery.
  • Pregnant mothers with open uterus wall surgery.
  • Pregnant mother with an ectopic pregnancy.

Part of the risks of the current pregnancy

  • Mothers with low-risk pregnancy.
  • Pregnant mothers with twins or multiple pregnancies.
  • Mothers at risk in gynecological tests.
  • Mothers who need a diagnostic test.
  • Mothers who need treatment in the uterus.
  • Cases in which blood should be given to the baby.
  • Treatment of bacterial diseases for infants (intrauterine infections)
  • Mothers with cervical insufficiency.
  • Pregnant mothers
  • Women with fibroids
  • Mothers with hypertension.
  • Pregnant mothers whose growth is impaired (an obstacle to fetal growth).
  • Pregnant mothers who have less water than usual (very few).
  • Pregnant mothers who have more water than usual.
  • Potential mothers with precarious conditions.
  • Mothers with fetus risks.
  • Babies with the identified anomalies.
  • Infants who got ill during pregnancy.
  • Babies with weak posture in the uterus.

Patients who suffer from birthing risks

  • Placenta previa.
  • Abnormal adherence of the infant’s partner in the uterine wall (placenta).
  • Mothers at risk of bleeding at birth.
  • Mothers at risk of uterus injury at birth.
  • The birth of a triple pregnancy
  • Mothers who have had a normal vaginal delivery or a cesarean section.

Perinatology and high-risk pregnancy services

You can find the provided services about perinatology and high-risk pregnancy below. Your attitude may not be summarized below, so you can contact perinatology and high-risk pregnancy via phone for any problems you may have.

  • Screening tests.
  • Diagnostic procedures.
  • Ultrasound imaging procedures.
  • Fetus treatment and surgery.
  • Birthing procedures

Pre-pregnancy counseling (pre-pregnancy counseling) is another service provided and, in this way, pre-pregnancy patient risk analysis, disease classification and individual treatment planning implementation are performed.

What is the perinatology?

Pregnancy, birthing, and puerperium may occur during the early period of the mother or fetus in the early examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Perinatology medicine professionals, experienced health personnel and patient counselors:

  • Patients are admitted through the appointment system. It has the ability to provide emergency services 7 days 24 hours in perinatology and high-risk pregnancies.
  • The perinatology and high-risk pregnancies aim to the early examination, early diagnosis and treatment of problems that may occur to the mother or child during the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and postpartum period. Our patients are monitored in this group during perinatology and high-risk pregnancies. Perinatology medicine is the specialty that diagnoses problems during pregnancy and applies the necessary treatment. The Department of perinatology medicine deals with mother and child health. It aims to perform childbirth in a healthy manner by taking precautions against risks during pregnancy. A specialist of brain and obstetrics medicine works in hospitals in the department of brain and obstetrics medicine.
  • The department of brain and obstetrics diseases provides follow-up and treatment of risky pregnancies. Pregnant mothers with significant pregnancy should undergo a pregnancy follow-up examination by an obstetrician, who is also a gynecologist.

High-risk pregnancy or very risky pregnancy; Pregnancy or pregnancy with an additional illness or examination of the risk of miscarriage or risk of disability for the child.

These risks are categorized as follows:

Current risks for pregnant mothers

  • Risks of the previous pregnancy.
  • Risks of the previous pregnancy.
  • Risks of the fetus.
  • Risks related to childbirth

An unusual condition during pregnancy can be detected by the specialist of brain and obstetrics medicine and this risk is reduced by routine checks. In all cases of pregnancy, gynecologists perform routine checks such as double-test, triple-test, gestational diabetes and ultrasound.

Pregnancy can be monitored by a labor specialist if there are risks to the mother and child mentioned above or if they are detected by routine tests. Perinatology obstetricians, who are also gynecologists, monitor high-risk pregnancies in the hospital environment. Hospitals and specialized medical centers of perinatology conduct special tests and treatments of risky pregnancy.

This enables careful observation of both pregnant mother and infant by specialists. Perinatology as a definition; Patient risk assessment before, during and after pregnancy, in other words, the prenatal diagnosis of many diseases of the fetus and the mother, plans for follow-up treatment and invasive interventions, if necessary, include the completion of treatment during and after pregnancy in risky or problematic pregnancies.

At the outpatient clinic for delivery:

  • Combination of screening test and early fetal abnormal examination at 11 to14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound for fetal abnormalities at 15-23 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Evaluation of fetal growth and development in the 28-32 week of pregnancy and detection of delayed fetal abnormalities.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of fetal structural deformities.
  • Diagnosis and management of infectious diseases.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases.
  • Interventional diagnostic procedures (amniocentesis, biographies).
  • Red blood cells
  • Medical pregnancy diseases (hypertension diseases (preeclampsia), diabetes, liver, kidney and blood diseases, etc.)
  • The risk of miscarriage, cervical insufficiency, the threat of premature birth, Premature rupture of the membranes (breakage of the amniotic sac before birth and the onset of water).
  • Diagnose, follow up and manage the problems of fetal growth and development.
  • Monitor and manage multiple pregnancies and their problems.
  • Diagnose and manage anomalies of the invasion (implantation) and placenta previa.
  • Diagnosis and management of problems is performed during and after childbirth (bleeding etc.).

  What services are provided at the perinatology medicine center?

Early ultrasound scanning of pregnancy, and multiple pregnancy assessment, ultrasound scanning is applied from week 6 to 11 week of pregnancy, it is examined whether intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy and in this ultrasound scanning “real week” and abnormalities related to early pregnancy are revealed.

The ultrasound in this week, determines whether pregnancy is individual or multiple. In addition, uterine abnormalities and interference may be detected if an evaluation is not performed in this period.

Thickened Nuchal Translucency test at week 11-14

Measurement of fluid accumulation between the skin layer and the subcutaneous layer at the back of the neck. This fluid is usually found somewhat in every fetus naturally. At height, the probability of anomalies and disturbances increases in both the pigments and structure.

Second and advanced ultrasound, risky pregnancy management

Detailed ultrasound is known and referred to in the second level as “advanced ultrasound” in which the fetal heart scan is inserted.

Advanced ultrasound scanning is applied between 18-23 weeks of pregnancy where the whole body, such as the fetus’s brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, hands, arms and legs are all anatomically examined. Meanwhile, the location of the fetus called the placenta, the structure, and the amount of fetus water and the growth of the fetus are evaluated. In most cases, parents can feel at ease that their fetus is developing normally. However, the anomalies that can happen for the fetus often can be better evaluated and thus the things to be done can be applied without delay.

3D and 4D ultrasound

Via this ultrasound imaging, we can see an image or video with a 3D image of the fetus. It is a very exciting technology for families. Studies conducted to date have not found any detrimental effect of 2D, 3D or 4D ultrasound for the mother or fetus. 3D or 4D ultrasound cannot be applied in the first months of pregnancy. As during every 3 months of pregnancy, the fetus shows different behaviors and different characteristics of movement in the uterus of the mother. These features can be detected via 3D – 4D ultrasound imaging.

Evaluation of fetal abnormalities or suspicions of fetal abnormalities

Evaluating whether the fetus is growing and assessing the movements, whether the water is sufficient, whether the placenta is doing well, and whether the flow of blood to the fetus and the placenta is sufficient. The application is especially applied between 18 to 23 weeks of pregnancy. Some of the abnormalities that can be diagnosed in weeks can be identified via this ultrasound. The ultrasound done in this week is especially important for mothers who have problems during pregnancy (preeclampsia, diabetes, stillbirth, and developmental tension of the fetus)

Fetal development and fetal well-being assessment

Evaluating whether the fetus is growing and assessing the movements, whether the water is sufficient, whether the placenta is doing well, and whether the flow of blood to the fetus and the placenta is sufficient. The application is especially applied between 18 to 23 weeks of pregnancy. Some of the abnormalities that can be diagnosed in weeks can be identified via this ultrasound.


The amniocentesis is a small sample taken from a fetus’s fluid to specifically understand the structure of a fetus’s chromosome. A sample of the fetus’s liquid is taken under ultrasound by a special needle. This fluid is replaced by the fetus within a few hours. The results of the most common anomalies can be taken within one day. For more abnormal abnormalities, the result is taken within a period of 2-3 weeks. The risk of miscarriage induced by this procedure is 1/ 200.

Chorionic villus sampling is a cell sample taken from the cervix specifically to understand the structure of a fetus’s chromosome. The structure of a fetus’s chromosome is understandable because it stems from the same established cell as the fetus. It is applied during pregnancy weeks between 11-14 weeks. The results of the most common anomalies can be taken within one day. For more abnormal abnormalities, the result is taken within a period of 2-3 weeks. The risk of miscarriage induced by this procedure is 1/ 200.

Fetal blood samples

Fetal blood samples are a procedure that is performed after the 16th or 18th week of pregnancy to find out whether the fetus is in the uterus of the mother has any genetic problems or if he has been exposed to infection in the uterus. By doing this it is possible to reach a result very quickly regarding the possibility of the fetus being exposed to this situation.

Fetal reduction

The process of stopping fetus development by stopping the heart of one or more children by special medication in cases of triple fetuses and twins that occur after IVF and in vitro fertilization applications in the laboratory.

For inquiries and medical advice about your treatment, “You just have to send all the medical information, tests, analyzes and written information about the condition of the disease, etc. by via social media, whats app and viber or you can directly contact our consultants via the numbers on the site.

After taking all the information required, we will assess the condition of the disease within only 24 hours of receiving your information and will provide you with all information about the treatment plan, details of treatment, treatment costs, duration of stay in Turkey and other services in our center.

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  • Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00
  • Sat 9.30 - 18.30
  • Sun 9.30 - 18.30

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