Hip & Knee replacement Surgery Centre

Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery Centre

The experienced and distinguished center in orthopedics

Most modern prosthetics are made of MRI-compatible minerals, so there is no problem with MRI of areas outside of the operation area.

Synthetic knee

Some knee diseases such as arthritis cause damage of the knee joint as a synthetic joint made of metal is implanted. Where we classify knee calcifications clinically and radiologically according to degree (4-3-2-1). Usually the degree (2-1) is non-surgical, as medications and physical therapy are sufficient for those who are at this level, the degree (4-3) non-surgical methods are not sufficient in advanced calcifications. We usually apply a synthetic knee for patients with old age and calcification. The synthetic knee is implanted to the patient if it is no longer in a state that can be used or does not perform the required function. The synthetic knee should be implanted when the knee pain becomes intolerable, when a person cannot bend his knee and the medication and physical therapy become ineffective for the pain. These results are determined in the examination, as the knee replacement with a synthetic knee is the last solution.

We make complete knee replacement to the patients whose pain is not controlled, their daily activities such as walking and climbing stairs are very limited, and the joint cartilage is severely damaged.

We prefer that the patient’s age ranges from 60-80 years, but in some special cases such as arthritis, rheumatoid and osteoporosis, we perform the application of prostheses at an early age.

Synthetic knee surgery

After the synthetic knee surgery, the person must adapt with the synthetic knee to keep the knee going forever:

  • Dangerous movements such as jumping and dropping should be avoided.
  • Avoid shortening the life of the prosthesis
  • Regular follow-up after surgery

The process takes between 1-2 hours. Epidural or intravenous pain pumps are often used to control postoperative pain. The next day, knee movements begin and help with standing. Then you will be able to walk comfortably in the room and hallways, and you can get out of the hospital.

The synthetic knee set is long-lasting, and has been improved with the development of technology and knowledge of the body’s anatomy, but we should not forget that the prosthesis of the knee is made of metal consistent with our bodies, and they can never replace the real joint with exactly similar joint. As the patient who underwent knee surgery should expect that his life will continue without pain.

There are many studies on cartilage production in the world. The synthetic knee is also performed in the event of complete cartilage destruction, as no new cartilage can be produced, however methods such as blood plasma nutrition and Hyaluronic acid injection are used as a substitute for early knee calcifications. All of these treatments can be successfully applied in our clinic.

Causes of knee pain and loss of function

The knee is the joint that bears the greatest weight and pressure of our body while standing, walking and running. Knee pain is a reaction of the joint that has been subjected to corrosion, where the joint, which is no longer able to perform its normal function, begins to lose its ability to move. Other causes are the wrong carrying of heavy objects, incorrect exercise and daily activities or it may be because of a genetic cause, and that the loss of knee function is a result of osteoporosis and some joint diseases.

Problems facing patients undergoing to joint replacement

  • Weak muscle strength
  • Infection after the operation
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Allergy because of the implanted metal

Our multi-disciplinary hospital is ready to provide assistance to patients who have not been able to treat those problems where the necessary treatment is arranged, physical therapy or drug treatment. As for patients with advanced problems, the knee joint is transplanted as the last stage or replacing old joint.

Knee arthroscopy

  • Knee surgery treatment areas
  • Knee problems, surgery and sports injuries
  • Knee ligament surgery
  • Knee cartilage operations, cartilage production and implantation
  • meniscus surgery
  • Partial knee replacement and total knee replacement applications
  • Knee replacement
  • Formation of complete prostheses of the knee as a result of creating synthetic joint by covering the joint surfaces made of metal and polyethylene

Arthroscopy is also commonly used in the following treatments:

  • Repair and remove torn meniscus
  • Repair of the torn anterior cruciate ligament at the ends of the meniscus and the removal of the cartilage.
  • Remove the cartilage inside the joint and bone fragments.
  • Elimination of inflammatory nerve tissue

Endoscopic intermittent cartilage in knee surgery, cleaning fluid disrupting the joint in the joint, knee joint, if there is a defect in the reshaping of the femur and leg, semi- synthetic surgery of the knee or half of it entirely depends on the amount of defected cartilage.

Syntheticcial hip joint

Replacement of the hip joint is used in cases where the hip joint function is insufficient for daily life and thus a platinum joint is installed. Where these cases include (arthritis, cancer, hip fractures), the hip joint is applied immediately to the broken hip because of clots after the fracture, which leads to unwanted negative effects such as paralysis, including the risk of death.

Cases that the patient must know after hip replacement procedure

  • Avoid risky behaviors such as bumps, punches, and muscle strengthening.
  • Be careful not to live in cold areas.
  • Not to place the leg above the other for at least 7-8 weeks.
  • Be careful not to shrink and bend your leg in a seated position.
  • Do not lift the knees from the hips.
  • Do not use downward toilets.
  • Not to bend over and over again while sitting.

Risks of a hip joint replacement

Hip replacement surgery has some risks, so measures must be taken as soon as any surgery is subject to anesthesia. Blood clotting is the greatest risk in these operations so the doctor must take all necessary precautions.

The successful joint replacement of the hip joint in our center aims to replace the defective joint surface with synthetic materials to stabilize the joint with a recurring function and get rid of the existing pain. Because of calcification, inflammation, rheumatic diseases, psychological trauma or congenital structural disorders, the deterioration of the cartilaginous surfaces in the joints may develop and cause serious pain and restriction of movement. As this reduces patients’ quality of life and may turn into chronic misery, the final solution for these patients is hip and knee replacement.

Hip and knee joint replacement process

We use general or partial anesthesia (spine or epidural) in the hip and knee prostheses, depending on the patient’s choice, generally in the first 48 hours after prosthesis surgery the patient’s foot is raised and treatment begins, in special cases to replace hip joint ,The period of carrying can be extended from 3 to 6 weeks, and the hospital stay is between 3-6 days.

The process of attaching (replaced hip joint) to the bones

The elderly patients suffering from poor bone quality, the prosthetic limb is fixed using a filler called bone cement. As for younger patients with good bone quality, the prostheses are firmly inserted into the bone.

The hip joint is performed for patients who have suffered severe damage due to arthritis, hip dislocation, or fracture, especially those who do not benefit with (drugs, physical therapy, intra-articular injection, or the use of sugar cane). Hip replacement is the best treatment option for patients over 60 years of age who experience severe pain and restricted movement that interferes with daily life activities.

Replaced parts of the hip are damaged over time due to the friction caused during movement, so the prostheses begin to separate from the bones to which they are attached. In this state, the patient feels pain. In case of damage, the old one must be replaced. The overweight and repetitive activities will increase corrosion and shorten the life of the prosthesis. Nowadays the life of prosthetics has been extended to 15-20 years, as this period is expected to be longer in synthetic limbs and hips made from ceramic and newly developed metal.

Hip replacement complications

Very low complication rate occurs after hip replacement surgery.

But the most common problem is

  • A clot in the veins due to slowing blood flow in your leg (deep vein thrombosis) after surgery, treatment is applied with drugs that relieve blood. It is useful for walking early in the postoperative period and using compression stockings.
  • Infection occurs: Any inflammation of the limbs, between 0.1% and 1.5% in order to prevent the risk of infection. Infections that may be elsewhere in the body must be treated before surgery. At the same time, the risk of infection is reduced by taking special precautions during surgery.
  • After a total replacement of the hip, the dislocation of the prosthesis occurs between 5-8%, so it is extremely important to avoid some movements, especially during the first six weeks after surgery.


For inquiries and medical advice about your treatment, “You just have to send all the medical information, tests, analyzes and written information about the condition of the disease, etc. by via social media, whats app and viber or you can directly contact our consultants via the numbers on the site.

After taking all the information required, we will assess the condition of the disease within only 24 hours of receiving your information and will provide you with all information about the treatment plan, details of treatment, treatment costs, duration of stay in Turkey and other services in our center.

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Working hours

  • Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00
  • Sat 9.30 - 18.30
  • Sun 9.30 - 18.30

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Turkey Healthcare Group 2023
