Breast Health Centre


Breast Health Centre

The International Center for Diagnosis, Treatment and Surgery of Breast Tumors

Be early and do not be late.

You are the life. Check and assure us. “Your way to recovery”

Breast Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Center

Breast diseases, especially breast cancer, are one of the health problems that have become more common in society. Turkey Healthcare Group provides the latest diagnostic and treatment services for the patients of various breast diseases and breast cancer through the medical staff, medical technology infrastructure and patient safety service approach.

In addition to treating breast diseases and breast cancer, breast-conserving surgeries are performed to protect the appearance of the breast during treatment and psychological support is provided to many patients through this process more easily.

Turkey Healthcare Group aims to provide services to patients in every issue they need in the treatment process, starting from the digital 3D mammography to the single-dose radiotherapy method used in surgery, the discovery of tumors and the treatment of many necessary devices in the field of breast health. It is more common cancer. Breast cancer is the result of the cells becoming cancerous (unlimited and uncontrolled reproduction.

Breast cancer, the most common type of cancer among women in the world and in our country, occurs for one in every 8-10 women throughout life however, very few people understand the importance of this or realize that they are at risk.

Although new treatment options are increasing, success in breast cancer is subject to early diagnosis. If breast cancer is diagnosed early, there is a 96 percent chance of overcoming the disease. For this reason, it is necessary to perform early tests and know the symptoms that will warn you early and make you visit the doctor.

At Turkey Health Care Group Center, all problems of breast diseases and tumors are diagnosed and treated, as well as our team of experts in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

  • Specialist doctors of breast disease
  • Specialist breast radiologists who do mammography, and evaluates ultrasound, MRI and some special checks.
  • Specialist breast surgeons of breast cancer.
  • Mammologists who evaluate different cells, tissues and lymph nodes of breast cancer and can examine post-operative departments.
  • The oncologists who treat breast cancer with medication.
  • Breast radiologists who perform breast radiotherapy.
  • A physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist who deals with arm edema.
  • Nuclear medicine specialist
  • Psychologists

Diagnostic and treatment services of breast diseases

The services provided for diagnosing breast cancer in our hospitals include clinical breast test, 3D digital mammography, four-dimensional ultrasound equipment and biopsy facilities. Within the field of preventive health services, breast cancer screening programs are created by providing breast self-education for patients.

In addition, regular follow-up and counseling is provided for women at high risk of developing breast cancer. Thus, it aims to provide early diagnosis for women at risk and reduce the possibility of developing cancer in the future.

Mechanism of detection, inspection, follow-up and diagnosis of breast diseases

How to diagnose?

Breast cancer is diagnosed by imaging units and clinical test results for the diagnose, ultrasound and mammography.

Mammography and ultrasound should be performed by a breast radiologist specializing in this field and it is performed for at least 20 minutes.

Turkey Health Care Group Center offers a mechanism for detection, examination and follow-up, diagnosis of breast diseases, the procedures required in our center are as follows:

  • Breast test
  • Determine the risk ratio
  • Diagnostic analyzes
  • Mammography
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • 3D or 4D CT scan

Are you in danger?

The risk of developing breast cancer increases with the increased exposure to the hormone Estrogen secreted in women. Factors that increase the risk of breast cancer.

Age: The risk of developing breast cancer increases with advancing age (especially after the age of 50). While one out of every 20,000 women aged 25 years suffers from breast cancer, this risk increases to one out of every 8 women.

Family history: The risk increases in the family, especially for first-degree relatives, with breast and / or ovarian cancer.

The onset of menstruation and the age of menopause: Early menstruation (before 12 years) and late menopause (after 50 years), breast tissue is affected by the longer Estrogen hormone, and the risk of breast cancer increases.

Child birth and breastfeeding: Never give birth and do not delay (after 30 years), and breastfeeding does not increase the risk.

Hormonal treatments: Uncontrolled hormonal treatments used after menopause increase the risk.

Weight: Being overweight increases the risk of eating fat.

Genetics: Only 5-10 percent of breast cancers are due to a genetic disorder. Genetic testing is recommended for people who have multiple relatives suffering from early breast cancer in their family, who have both breast and ovarian cancer, and who have bilateral or a relative with a history of breast cancer.

Contraceptive pills: It has not been shown to increase the risk.

Diet: Avoid animal source foods, avoid fatty foods, eat fruits and vegetables and reduce the risk of maintaining an ideal weight.

Physical activity: prevents overweight and reduces risks.

Alcohol: regular use increases the risk.

What are the symptoms of breast diseases?

The most common symptom of breast cancer is a painless lump in the breast. However, up to 10 percent of patients experience pain without a lump.

The least common symptoms of breast cancer are transient symptoms, including non-temporary changes in the chest (such as thickening, swelling, skin irritation or deterioration), erosion, nipple sensitivity, or reflection. Early breast cancers, which are the easiest to treat, show no symptoms. Therefore, it is very important for women to implement the recommended control programs for early diagnosis of breast cancer.

Early diagnosis of breast cancer greatly increases the number of treatment options, opportunities for success and treatment survival.

What are the screening tests for the early diagnosis?

There are three basic recommended methods for early diagnosis:

Breast self-examination: After 16 years old, 7-10 It is recommended once a month. Look at the figure to find out how to do a breast self-examination.

Clinical breast examination (done by the doctor): 20-40 years old. The doctor recommends with breast examination every 1- 3 years from the age of 40 years.

Mammography: Annual mammography from the age of 40 for women who are at standard risk, which increases breast cancer at an early stage.

Breast cancer is 0.7 cm diameter for patients undergoing their own breast examination and annual mammogram.

The tumor size is 2.3 cm for those who do not perform their own breast examination and mammography, and the tumor diameter is 3.8 cm for those who do not have these tests and mammograms.

These data indicate that breast cancer can be detected at a very early stage in regular monthly self-examination and mammography.

How can the risk of breast cancer be reduced?

Breast cancer risk can be reduced by some changes in daily life.

Risks can be reduced by being careful not to gain weight, exercise, eat foods with a high fat content, not to smoke and drink alcohol, and not to take hormonal alternative treatments after menopause.

For patients with a history of genetic disorder in the family with a significant genetic risk of breast cancer due to genetic analysis, a method such as surgical excision and aesthetic artificial breast replacement can be applied.

Can breast tissue diagnosed by non-surgical procedure?

Current imaging capabilities allow the diagnosis of a single sac or lump in the breast under ultrasound-guided tissue.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy is one of the easiest ways to diagnose as quickly as possible and has the lowest risk to the patient. The focus is on the smallest point (1 mm) that appears to be radiologically suspicious by the radiologist with an ultrasound-guided needle without surgical intervention.

What is the importance of a pathological biopsy sampling procedure in diagnosing breast tumors?

Does it matter where this test is conducted?

As a result of examining the cells and tissues taken from breast cancer, the disease can be diagnosed.

Laboratory techniques are very important in providing the most accurate and rapid results for the patient. The best technical preparation for cells obtained from fine needle aspiration biopsies in the hospital depends on the cooperation of our radiology and pathology team. The biopsy samples taken from the patient under surgical intervention or ultrasound are treated as soon as possible and the report is submitted to the patient in the evening or the next day.

Our hospital includes a large-scale study of immunochemistry. Chemical immunological markers are needed to determine the treatment and course of the disease for patients with breast cancer.

Does the biopsy have a negative effect on disease progression?

The final diagnosis of cancer can only be achieved by examining biopsy samples in the pathology clinic. Without the biopsy, cancer can only be suspected by physical examination and films, but specific cancer cannot be diagnosed and treatment cannot be started.

There are rumors like “They did a biopsy and did not recover anymore” and the disease became worse. These are very wrong interpretations and can lead to many patients feeling fear and delay in diagnosis and thus losing their chances of treatment. Biopsy has no negative effect on the disease. This operation is only applied to diagnose the disease only.

What are the stages of breast disease (gradually)?

Once a cancer has been diagnosed, your doctor first determines the extent or stage of the disease. This graduation is necessary in determining the methods of treatment and their sequence.

Breast cancer can be in four main stages. To determine the correct stage, abdominal ultrasound or tomography, lung or brain tomography or MRI, bone scan (whole bone imaging) may be required.

How is breast cancer treated?

Depending on the stage of the disease and the specific tumor characteristics after the pathological examination, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, and biological treatments are used alone or in combination.

What is the role of surgical treatment in breast cancer?

Surgery is the most effective treatment in the early stage of breast cancer. Due to misconceptions in the public, patients may refuse treatment when recommending surgery. Surgical treatment for breast cancer when the disease is recommended in the early stages of surgery, and cancer tissue can be completely removed and provides the highest chance of survival.

Does anyone with breast cancer need a mastectomy completely?

No, the size, location, and appearance of the tumor don’t determine the size of the surgery. If the tumor is small and in the initial stage, it may suffice to cut off only a small portion of the breast. In the same case, there is a second option. This is to protect the skin and nipple and empty the inner part in the same session, making new breast.

What types of surgical treatments applied in breast cancer?

Breast cancer surgery has two parts: Breast-conserving surgery and other surgical methods. Breast-conserving surgery is a treatment that cut off part of the entire breast. In this technique, an axillary lymph nodes biopsy and postoperative radiotherapy may be required.

Other surgical methods are entire mastectomy. When the entire mastectomy, the nipple and skin can be preserved and completely emptied.

In this last option the new breast is made. In this method, axillary biopsies can be performed if necessary.

Should all axillary lymph nodes be cut off for every patient with breast cancer during surgery?

What are the side effects?

No, at present, axillary lymph nodes are taken by lymph node biopsy, and if the tumor is not detected, the axillary lymph nodes will not be cut off. In this way, unnecessary surgical intervention is prevented and edema that may develop in the arm due to the cut of the axillary lymph nodes is prevented.

How long does breast reconstruction take place after plastic surgery?

The process of breast reconstruction is done in two ways:

During the mastectomy process: it is a continuation of the process in which the breast is taken out and the new artificial breast is installed in the session of the patient’s mastectomy process and this modern technique is the most used method in recent years.

The aesthetic operation to install the artificial breast later: It is applied for some patients who have advanced and reached the axillary lymph nodes. If radiotherapy is applied for these patients, a new breast is applied 6 months after the end of the treatment.

Are there different surgical techniques applied in Turkey Healthcare Group Center?

The surgical techniques used in breast cancer in our hospital vary depending on the stage of the disease and the location of the tumor.

These techniques are treated individually for each patient and applied accurately.

For example, part of the breast due to breast cancer is taken with the skin, but the remaining cancer-free portion is considered a new and aesthetic breast.

In breast cancer diseases, is everyone given radiotherapy?

No, the radiological decision is made by looking at the size of the tumor and the number of lymph nodes detected in the pathological examination of the tumor tissue after surgery.

Postoperative radiotherapy is required for all patients with entire mastectomy (breast-conserving surgery).

Is everyone given the chemotherapy?

The chemotherapy decision is made by looking at the tumor characteristics specified in the pathological examination of the tumor tissue after surgery. Visible cancerous tissue is cut off for patients undergoing surgery. For these patients, chemotherapy is given to prevent the recurrence of cancerous cells that may remain at a microscopic level that cannot be detected by radiological methods. For the patients who cannot do surgery, chemotherapy is given to halt the progression of the disease, reduce the tumor and reduce symptoms associated with the tumor, and increase survival and quality of life.

Contrary to popular belief, long-term chemotherapy does not lead to a deterioration in the quality of life.

The side effects of chemotherapy are short-term and reversible.

What is the chemotherapy?

Treatment with cancer drugs that destroys cancer cells and prevents growth and spread is called chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can be used to treat cancer, either alone or in conjunction with a surgical procedure and / or radiotherapy, in order of type and stage of cancer.

Does it matter who and where chemotherapy is given to?

A medical oncologist must know a large number of chemotherapy drugs, their properties, methods of use and side effects, knowledge of correct use and effective dosages, but to protect the patient from the side effects of treatment the most important point in chemotherapy applications is close observation and early intervention for the side effects after chemotherapy. Therefore, it is important that you are treated in a 24-hour center.

Who are the patients of breast tumors that are given hormonal treatment?

Hormone therapy is given to all patients who have found that they have hormone sensitivity in the pathological examination of tumor tissue.

With this treatment, the level of Estrogen and Progesterone hormones in the body is reduced or the tumor is prevented from responding to the growth of these hormones.

For the patients who underwent surgery with the hormonal therapy, the risk of recurrence, injury or disease regeneration is reduced again, and in the case of patients who are not undergoing.

What is an interdisciplinary approach? Why is it necessary?

The condition of each patient of breast cancer varies. The different treatment options should be used alone or in conjunction with the disease and the patient’s condition, a large number of doctors of different departments must work together, and the most appropriate treatment for the patient must be determined by a joint decision. In this way, the most accurate and current treatments can be applied without delay.

In the interdisciplinary approach, medical oncologists, general surgery, radiation oncology, pathology, radiology, nuclear medicine, plastic surgery experts agree, if necessary. A help from a dietitian, psychiatrist, and pain therapist is requested.

How is the breast cancer treated in Turkey Health Care Group?

It is a center that possesses the most advanced technologies for patients with suspected breast cancer.

All necessary tests can be completed within few days. Upon completion of the pathological examination of biopsy samples within 1-2 days and the final diagnosis is reached, the patient’s condition is discussed in the breast cancer council and their treatments are determined.

This board includes medical oncology, general surgery, plastic surgery, pathology, radiology and medicine specializing in nuclear medicine. The presence of a computerized tomography (CT) device in our hospital provides a major advantage in organizing the disease.

Prior to each treatment decision, each patient is assessed in detail in terms of the general condition, suitability of treatment, lung capacity, cardiac function and other system problems and the most appropriate method for the patient is determined accurately.

Patients can have the access to their doctors 24- hours, 365 days a week. As doctors working in the breast diseases center, our goal is to diagnose our patients in the shortest possible time, treat them in the best way, reach the best aesthetic results, and provide the longest and highest quality of life possible.

Remember, do not forget:

The early detection is the solution.

It is necessary to perform breast self-examination regularly. If you experience a problem with a new swelling or wound, contact our center directly.

After 40 years of age, you should undergo to a mammogram at least once a year.

The early diagnosis saves lives.

Do a regular follow up for the signs and risks of breast cancer. If one or more of these things occurred to you or your relatives, contact your doctor immediately.

For diagnosis and treatment, you should go to the hospital in the breast disease unit, because the best result can be achieved by a professional team working together and harmoniously.

You do not have to live without your nipples. Please discuss with your doctor the option to restore breast performance during tumor surgery.

Discuss the options for taking all or part of your breast separately and learn the differences and advantages of each method.

Breast diseases treatment is a multi-technology approach.

Diagnosing and treating breast cancer requires a multifaceted understanding of doctors working in various fields, working together to exchange views and make joint decisions. As a result of this approach, the related doctors agree on the stages of diagnosis and treatment for each patient and begin the treatment process.

In these units, comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services are provided to patients by a team of general surgery, plastic surgery, radiology, pathology, medical genetics, medical oncology, and radiation oncologists with the support of technological infrastructure. In addition, the treatment process is supported by nutrition counseling, psychosocial support, physical therapy and rehabilitation programs.

Breast protection and oncological surgery

The entire mastectomy due to cancerous tissues is undesirable for many women.

Breast loss inflicts psychological damage on the overall body image. For this reason, surgical methods of breast protection are preferred as much as possible in current medical applications.

At Turkey Breast Cancer Healthcare Group, our general surgeons serve our patients with oncology and innovative restoration techniques.

If necessary, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon can participate in the treatment process and perform operations that will transfer the patient’s breast into its normal state.

If the disease is diagnosed early there will be a very big difference in the treatment!

To protect our breast health, it is not enough to be aware, do not postpone, take action! In addition to self-examination, make regular checks every year, take precautions against health risks and get an early diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

Some patients do not suffer from any symptoms of breast cancer and can only be detected by mammography.

In the event that there is at least one of the following symptoms, a specialist should be consulted immediately.

  • A lump in the breasts or armpits (stiffness, swelling)
  • Discharging the nozzle (single channel is bloody or translucent)
  • Inner drawing, membrane collapse or deformation
  • Changes in the skin of the membrane (peeling, scaling)
  • An injury or redness on the breast skin.
  • Edema, swelling and internal stasis on the skin of the breast (the appearance of orange peel)
  • Breast growth, disfigurement, inconsistency or discoloration (redness, etc.)

Of all cancer-related deaths, breast cancer-related deaths are the second. First, lung cancer. According to the data of the Turkish Statistical Institute in our country which exceeds 70 million, 22 out of 100,000 women suffering from breast cancer. The breast cancer mortality rate is approximately 10 people per 100,000 women.

It is wrong to wait for a lump in order to control the breast.

Because early detection of breast cancer is only possible by physical examination programs and some tests. When did you last receive a physical examination? To apply for the breast examination program.

For inquiries and medical advice about your treatment, “You just have to send all the medical information, tests, analyzes and written information about the condition of the disease, etc. by via social media, whats app and viber or you can directly contact our consultants via the numbers on the site.

After taking all the information required, we will assess the condition of the disease within only 24 hours of receiving your information and will provide you with all information about the treatment plan, details of treatment, treatment costs, duration of stay in Turkey and other services in our center.      

The patient’s age
chronic diseases
What are the problems that the patient faces daily
What operations did the patient undergo previously
Please send a film about the exams / CT scans / MRI and medical reports


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Working hours

  • Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00
  • Sat 9.30 - 18.30
  • Sun 9.30 - 18.30

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Turkey Healthcare Group 2023
